
George Martinez is a talented tattoo artist based in Toronto, Canada, known for his exceptional skills and attention to detail. His work showcases his extraordinary talent and dedication to his craft. If you’re looking for a unique and expertly executed tattoo, George Martinez is definitely an artist to consider.

Dixie D’mise is an international burlesque performer and tattoo artist who specializes in pointillism, geometric, and botanical tattoos. With a captivating stage presence and exceptional tattooing skills, she has gained a strong following both in the burlesque scene and the tattooing community. You can find her stunning work and performances on her Instagram account: Dixie D’mise.

Experienced body piercer Haylee is embarking on a new journey, venturing into the world of tattoo artistry. With a keen eye for detail and a steady hand, she is ready to bring her expertise and creativity to the realm of tattoos. Stay tuned as she combines her skills to create stunning body art for her clients.

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